Learn That Word

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2 Quiz choices

3 Test-study concept

4 Vocabulary quiz

Smart quiz
Spelling tutoring
Quiz structure

5 Right answer

Guess button
Recycle button

6 Wrong answer

Practice cycle
Practice button
Results count

7 ODE answers


8 Other options

Feedback sound
Grade level

9 Add words

Finding lists
Creating lists

10 Goal modules

11 Performance

12 Rewards


Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord


Als Standardsprache festlegen
mühelos Transposh - translation plugin for wordpress

10 - Vocabulary and spelling goals

What are your vocabulary and spelling goals?
Chances are we offer a ready-made module for it!

Over 30 different data sets refine our database. Words are tagged for frequency, grade level, and other more specific categories.

The goal setting you select under my account > preferences determines which words we review with you.

People from all walks of life adjust LearnThatWord coaching to their personal needs, and so can you!


Choose from these goal modules:

Vokabeln lernen / Rechtschreibung

Study at the right level, and your brain can make connections faster. Words that are too hard or too easy both waste your time!

That's why we introduce words in logical order based on how common and how difficult they are. They are also tagged by grade level.

Advance seamlessly along our linguistic progression strand, based on input of over 30 vocabulary experts and scientific data sets.

Once you complete the words in your grade, LearnThatWord automatically advances you to the next level.

It's best to start at the level where you get 80-90% of the words right. For many students, this is not their real grade but 2-3 grades lower.
Don't worry about it. With systematic tutoring, it's easy to catch up! Results will be much better than if you work at a level that is too hard.

Teachers use this goal setting to assign elementary to high school homework. Homeschooling parents and special education (especially learners with dyslexia, dysgraphia, add/adhd or other learning disability) use it as a step-by-step skill builder.


Meine eigene Liste von Wörtern

If you only want to study word lists that you add by yourself, choose this setting.

The quiz will simply stop after you reviewed your added priority words and your practice words. No new words are introduced.


Learn English (ELL)

A big part of learning English is learning vocabulary and spelling. Choose an appropriate grade level and systematically build your vocabulary foundation.

This module sorts words by frequency and difficulty. Advance from the common and easier ones to the more advanced and specific ones in logical sequence!

Your starting point is the grade level you set. If you learn English in the classroom, take the number of years you have been learning English and divide them by two. For example, if you have been learning English for four years, start out at level 2. Adjust it up or down if needed (at the optimal starting level you should be getting 80-90% of words right).


Häufig falsch geschriebene Wörter

This is your best setting if you have a good vocabulary, and want to bullet-proof your spelling skills.

Skip through these commonly misspelled words to find the ones that cause trouble and learn them effectively and quickly.


Spelling Bee Worte

At the first National Spelling Bee in 1925, it was enough to spell gladiolus to win, but recent champions have had to spell words like stromuhr, cymotrichousUnd guetapens. With growing publicity and competition, the level of scholarship displayed by the contestants rises every year.

Our Spelling Bee module contains close to 30,000 words you should master. It contains the historic consolidated word list, spell-it lists, and is constantly updated with words appearing in the spelling bee.

Sounds overwhelming? LearnThatWord offers the most comprehensive word list for spelling bee hopefuls. The main benefit: We track which words you struggle with and manage your studies effectively to help you succeed.


Choose this option if you're preparing for college and would like score high on your SAT or ACT. Our SAT goal module contains over 5,000 words you need to know to do well.

Knowing your SAT vocabulary words helps you excel in the hand-written essay. It also makes sure you understand questions and problems correctly and quickly.

Last not least - these are the words you will need to do well in college. Get ready!


Half of all college students take remedial writing classes, and many struggle with vocabulary and even spelling.

This setting focuses on academic vocabulary and GRE preparation and is the perfect continuation after the SAT module.


TOEFL vocabulary and vocabulary for IELTS is the final goal module. It starts at a lower level than SAT words and leads into academic vocabulary.

This is a systematic way to prepare you for TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE.
More importantly it gets you ready to study at an English speaking institution.


Before: 9 - Add words Here: 10 - Goals Next: 11 - Performance
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