LearnThatWord Trainern Sie online für Ihre nächsten Spelling Bee.
Unsere spezialisierten Buchstabierwettbewerb Studie Modul bietet rund 30.000 Wörter einschließlich Wörter aus der konsolidierten Wortliste, Paideia und SpellIt Listen.
Dort finden Sie auch Hunderte von Biene-Listen in unserem kostenlosen Wortliste Archiv.
Personalisierte, Smart, wirksam | Finden Sie, ändern und erstellen Listen! | |||
10x schneller; so viel leichter | Einzelne und Klassenzimmer verwenden | |||
Voll und ganz Managed progress | Ergebnisse garantiert |
Erstellen Sie Ihr kostenloses Konto jetzt und machen Sie sich bereit, um die Rechtschreibung Biene gewinnen!
LearnThatWord Spuren, die Worte, die Sie kennen und bietet zuverlässige Nachhilfe für Wörter, die mehr Übung brauchen.
Sign up for your FREE account now!
Ihr großer Moment auf der Bühne braucht sorgfältige Vorbereitung. . Unsere leistungsstarken Nachhilfe Quiz simulieren die Rechtschreibung Biene Erfahrung.
Rechtschreibung Bienen sind sehr populär geworden in den letzten Jahren. Scripps National Spelling Bee have moved this tradition into the spotlight again. Teachers hold class or school competitions. Adults compete in spelling bees for entertainment or fundraising events. Many English-speaking countries now stage their own events.
Die größte Veranstaltung ist der Scripps National Spelling Bee.
The trophy, of course, as well as over $40,000 in prizes.
All spellers receive:
A commemorative watch from Scripps,
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged on CD-ROM from Merriam-Webster,
the Samuel Louis Sugarman Award (a $100 U.S. Savings Bond),
plus, a cash prize from Scripps.
These cash prizes range from $100 if you hear the bell before the Quarterfinals to $12,500 for the second place winner.
Winning, or even making it to the finals, is also a great way to get into top colleges!
Spelling bee module contains close to 30,000 typical words you may encounter at a spelling bee. It automatically includes the Consolidated Word list, previous Paideia lists, Rechtschreibungsspiel words, and words from recent National Spelling Bees.
Similar to what you experience as you go higher and higher levels in the contest, we sort words by frequency. You first study the most common, then the less common, and finally the really exotic words. In each category, words are sorted by difficulty, so you advance from easy to advanced automatically.
Any word that you didn't know or felt unsure about is added to your personal practice list. It is reviewed until you get it right over three subsequent quizzes. This may take three or many more reviews. LearnThatWord coaches you on these words until you learned them reliably.
Are you preparing for a local event? Do you plan to stage a classroom event with your students? You can easily activate one of our many spelling bee word lists from our archive. Discover thousands of ready-made word lists when you search for "spelling bee," "paideia," "spell it" or " consolidated word list".
Our collection is constantly growing!
You can even add custom definitions to your own word lists!
Audio, sample sentences, images, root word information, origin, etc. are already provided.
We’re a nonprofit organization. Second and third graders in public schools get free tutoring as part of our Vocabulary Junction campaign.
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