Lerne dieses Wort

1 Erste Schritte

Student portal
Your pages

2 Quiz choices

3 Test-study concept

4 Vocabulary quiz

Smart quiz
Spelling tutoring
Quiz structure

5 Right answer

Guess button
Recycle button

6 Wrong answer

Practice cycle
Practice button
Results count

7 ODE answers


8 Other options

Feedback sound
Grade level

9 Add words

Finding lists
Creating lists

10 Goal modules

11 Performance

12 Rewards


Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord


Als Standardsprache festlegen
mühelos Transposh - translation plugin for wordpress

12 - Rewards

How about a bit of extra motivation?

Our rewards always acknowledge EFFORT, not existing skill. It's the effort that will move you forward, no matter where you are today.

Prizes (premium feature)
Rewards (premium feature)



Win fantastic prizes simply by studying! The more you study, the better your chances at winning.

Here's how it works: Every 50 words studied = 1 Lucky Number.
You can see your Lucky Numbers in your student portal. Blue ones qualify for one drawing, green ones for two, and black numbers have expired.
Once a year, we hold a raffle and give away five 10-year LearnThatWord memberships... a $299 value each.



Every time you complete a quiz, you earn nuggets und sparks.

12 nuggets 1 spark = 1 coin (simply click the "Make Coins" button).

Once you have coins to spend, you choose your rewards:

- Watch an episode of LaLinea, a cartoon classic.
- Play a fun game.
- Add free learning credits, get coupons, add currency to your social network.

nugget graphic Earn a nugget for every word you study.
Get a yellow learning spark for learning a practice word (you entered it correctly over three subsequent quizzes).
blue spark Pay attention for blue sparks! To get one answer 10 words in a row correctly, or master a practice word with the minimum three attempts.


Advance through 23 breathtaking levels of verbal savvy, documented by customized diplomas. Mouse over your level in the options bar (lower part of quiz) or print your diplomas by accessing them under "my account".

As always, we reward EFFORT, not existing skill. Diplomas reflect how much energy you invested at LearnThatWord. And yes, it's okay to show off a little!

Race your friends, word-style

Form your own team and race your friends to the top spot!

Got feedback or ideas?
Do you know of another fun way to boost motivation?
Another great organization to sponsor cool prizes?

Please send us an email!

Before: 11 - Performance Here: 12 - Rewards
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