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Below are more testimonials. References to "eSpindle" refer to the same program. Our program changed its name in 2010.

... I loved it (Spelling City), but became so tired of uploading lists. My son and I talked about how Spelling City needed a "Khan" and be run more like Khan Academy. We even talked about what it would take to build a web program ourselves, but it was all talk because we knew we didn't have the expertise. You can image how excited we became when we found the program we had dreamed about. Thanks for all your work!

Amy Coffey

My daughter has struggled with spelling and your program has been a great solution. She absolutely loves it!!

Stephanie Moore

Ich wollte Sie wissen lassen, wie absolut begeistert ich mit dem Programm bin.

It is DRAMATICALLY assisting both of my children to EASILY learn how to spell words. The best thing is that it requires little or no parental support beyond just making sure that they sit down and do their daily quiz for twenty minutes.

Periodically there is a squeal of joy when they conquer a word that has previously eluded them. Amazingly a hated task is now one they actually seem to rather enjoy!

There is nothing like the gratification of success. Moreover not only are they learning how to spell words, but their thought process about how to use their phonic decoding skills in reverse to re encode sounds back into words is dramatically improving, which is an extremely interesting observation and of course both phonic decoding (reading) and re encoding (spelling) benefit from being mutually reinforced, a win, win…

Meanwhile all those rascally English language exception words that don’t conform to phonic sound rules are painlessly reinforced and learned via your brilliant software, that’s a rare and precious outcome. Congratulations.

Mark Banister

Ich fordere jeden heraus zu überprüfen dieses Produkt als Alternative zu Tutoren oder Stunden des Studierens.

Click here to read the letter of endorsement by Twin Hills School Superintendent, Dr. Armstrong

LearnThatWord getroffen Rechtschreibung Jackpot!

B. Boren

Powerful and well-designed online approach to leeinrning words. [...] A valuable addition to any school’s tools for reinforcing spelling. [...]The program is well suited for both individual and classroom needs.

Click here to read the NC Department of Public Instruction's recommendation

Click here to read CLRN's assessment of eSpindle/LearnThatWord and how it aligns to standards.

I didn’t realize how much I depend on this program...!

Kathleen Cluff, Heber J. Grant Academy

I am so happy that this system has motivated my son to do spelling everyday in his summer holidays. Thank you very much for all your assistance.

After the initial exposure, I have never asked my son to do spelling. Everyday, first thing in the morning he does spelling. Top 5 in the week list is awesome. He just worked hard to be in the list and now he wants to stay on top.

Der beste Teil ist er lernt, aber zur gleichen Zeit genießen Sie es gründlich.


Spelling is no longer a chore - in fact, the kids sometimes do more words just for fun (I only ask them to do 15 a day). I love having the ability to add words - I add their vocabulary words and selected science and history words to make sure that they can spell these correctly too. LearnThatWord takes very little time and gets results!

Jane Panzer

Ritu Batia, SAT Orlando, Afterschool SAT Prep

I will be competing in Nationals this year. And I am using your website as my personal coach. It is such an amazing program!


What I like most is that my son has practiced well over 1000 words. If he was in school, he would have been practicing 10 words per week, which he forgot by the next week. He practiced 1000 words just between September and October without even knowing it or fussing about it. It is just part of his daily routine. I am a big fan.

Kelvin Jones

An easy and quick way to learn spelling at your own pace. It's lots of fun and rewarding, motivating me to do my best.

Zauber Drachen

I was studying for the National Spelling Bee, and now it's over, and I'm too old to be eligible. The good news is that I tied for 10th. Your product really helped me achieve that! Soon my younger brothers will start using LearnThatWord.

Lily Jordan

Dear Friends at LearnThat, I am a homeschooling mom and I just love LearnThatWord. I think it is the perfect spelling program for homeschoolers, and so much more effective than traditional programs. I consider LearnThatWord the best kept secret in homeschooling circles, I think LearnThatWord is such an excellent tool; I don’t want it to be a secret! An LearnThatWord enthusiast

Holly Robertson

The concept of the program supports active learning and refines the vocabulary. It is exactly what I was looking for. What I consider most valuable is that it provides alternative presentation of words, appropriate usage and audio. Thank you very much.


Subscribed to LearnThatWord for one of my employees.
Thank you for the quality service. It is a very good product and I would recommend it to anyone. All the best,

Robert Davis

The first comprehensive, custom-tailored and effective approach [...] to maximize the use of study time [...] I very much recommend this program to complement any classroom curriculum!

Click here for the letter of support from the California West County Unified School District

A spelling universe

Parents' Choice Fdn., 2006 Auszeichnung Funktion
parents choice fdn  award

A million thanks for the great work you're doing!


I think your service is one of the most unique and high-valued applications available on the web. I appreciate your efforts a great deal.

C. Hansen

This is a very cool site. My seven year old loves it! Keep up the good work!!

L. Miller

Einfach und effektiv.
Click here for a letter of support by AfterSchoolAllStars

Super idea... Keep it up! Your (and your team's) hard work is surely paying off in terms of a viable online training tool. [...] I didn't know 'billet-doux,' but the program made sure I did. Great!

Dave Riddle, 2005 National Senior Spelling-Champion

... exhibits a good learner fit for those interested in a training-orientated, explicit, context-reduced focus on improving spelling and increasing exposure to high-frequency and orthographically inconsistent words...

Review of eSpindle/LearnThatWord Vocabulary & Spelling Program online: An article from Language, Learning & Technology
Here some comments of the parent-teacher jury of the Teacher's Choice award:



Learning Magazine award












I have been looking for quite a while for a website that offers a quality spelling/vocabulary experience. Yours is the very best I have found, and while I understand that almost any human effort requires MONEY at some point, your organization seems more concerned about quality education.

S. Speake

My heart thumps every year when I think about the Scripps’ National Spelling Bee. Last year I came so close but apparently not close enough, finishing in 5th place in the regionals. This year I vowed to study harder and be the best that I can be. After my current county win I am hoping to make it all the way and win regionals. LearnThatWord has made it much easier to practice and also to learn the complex words given in spelling bees. Studying really helps in spelling bees but LTW has changed the way I thought about studying and really learning. Their free trial got me hooked instantly and pretty soon I found LTW to be fun and extremely encouraging. On their helpful website I had the choice to use their grade level words, my typed in study words, or even someone else’s list posted on the website. It was so easy to just get in there and start learning all those words. My parents always love helping me practice and get ready for the nerve-racking spelling bees ahead but they aren't always there to sit down and ask word after word so I use LTW to help me learn and practice even at a proven faster pace even when no one else has the time. Their effective system has made it so effortless and quick to memorize all those difficult words.

I would call this website very helpful, creative, and useful for everything from homework help to learning English as a second language! Honestly, this website is what made me go so far, and I think that studying with this software really pays off! I was studying with it for only a couple of days and was already spelling words I never thought possible. I’ve made a name for myself in the spelling world but I have also discovered a spelling secret that I would recommend and keep for generations to come. Even after the spelling bee is done and gone I will probably still use Learn That Word on a regular basis. It just makes learning fun and spelling amusing! Hoping to win regionals and possibly nationals doesn’t have to be equal parts study and equal parts luck, it can be all Learn That Word! LTW is my spelling secret to making it this far and much farther. Anyone who has ever asked me about LearnThatWord knows that I love this website like a family. It makes me comfortable, ready, and excited for all the spelling bees to come.

The pronouncer looks up from their paper, "Yes," they say with a brisk nod. "Tabernacle, T-A-B-E-R-N-A-C-L-E, tabernacle?" you hear a thunder of applause. The pronouncer and judges say in unison “Congratulations, you are our county spelling bee winner”. Photos are being shot in every direction, your parents, siblings, and even some of the emotional teachers hug you with joy and pride. The superintendent takes a few pictures and gives you a friendly pat on the back, not bad for a big-time honcho like her. The applause dies down and soon everyone leaves but not without a last shot for the newspaper, front page in fact. Not to mention that they will announce your name and your big win on the intercom for everyone to hear and cheer you along to regionals. Everyone treats you like your the new celebrity in town and you just like any person enjoy all the attention and excitement that goes along with the commitment that are spelling bees. Spelling bees make you a superstar, intelligent, and guess how many colleges would want the Scripps’ National Spelling Bee winner? Probably all of them! This is just part of what being a champ is about but the other side is handled by LTW. LearnThatWord took me under their wing and helped me prepare for all of life’s difficulties. LearnThatWord made it easier to face problems not run away from them.


We have made great use of LearnThatWord over the years, and have greatly enjoyed it. In fact, my son, Noah Weinrich, won 2nd place in the Georgia State spelling bee a few weeks ago!

Kevin Weinrich

I have to do a spelling bee for my school AND study for the Scripps spelling bee simultaneously... trust me, it is VERY stressful because my mom has my 10-year-old younger sister, my 3-year-old brother, and my 5-month-old brother and has very little time to study 2 lists. BUT, a few days ago I found LearnThatWord, and it is AWESOME. It is very inexpensive AND very effective. You can type in the words from your list, or do the Paideia words and others... It is REALLY cool. My mom bought it right away.

C. Lind

Thank you for your prompt response to my questions. I signed up all six members of my family. My own spelling skills are fairly good but I think I'll try to justify the expense of an account for myself and use the college level vocabulary list, since I found some of those words very challenging. A far better pastime for staving off Alzheimer's than Solitaire, I think!
Good luck with this program. I hope it continues with great success.

B. Miller

I just quickly went into the site to check it out, and was getting really caught up in the quiz! I kept thinking "Just one more word!" The quizzes are truly addictive, in the most positive sense of the word.

B.S. Fischer, CA

My son Destin has an IQ of almost 140, but is frustrated with himself and his level of reading and spelling... After researching many web sites, I found your organization—LearnThat—to be the best choice for Destin. Your site is clean, clear, and easy to navigate, and the tutor component is stellar. I want to him gain a greater confidence in himself, and I know that LearnThatWord can help.

V. Bolling

This is the best spelling bee website!


My 12-year-old is getting wonderful grades EXCEPT language arts (because of her poor spelling). She has already experienced growth due to your program.

C. Blair, OR

I’m thrilled to have found LearnThatWord!
My 6-year-old loves it and looks forward to it everyday!!

R. Hoffman

I find that students are getting more and more skillful at "dodging" their assignments, especially in higher grades. The site provides tutoring with more ease and diligence than I could ever provide. Plus, I won't miss administering and testing spelling word lists!

P. Judge, CA

Such a simple thing, but that little line drawing after the quiz is terrific! We had quite a discussion in class today about it. Those that haven’t done their spelling were really feeling left out. I bet all my students go home today and take a quiz so they can be in the know. What fun!

Kathleen Cluff

LearnThatWord is great for learning English vocabulary. It is very useful to have pronunciation, spelling and meaning all offered in one step.

B. Ecke, Germany

An excellent tool.

Click here for an endorsement by Goodwill Industries who have used our program for their career training and after school programs.

Live Chat transcript I:

Visitor: I love LearnThatWord. It helped me win the regional Spelling Bee. So I just wanted to say thank you.
Operator: Now it's on to the county bee?
Visitor: No, I live in Canada, so it's the national.
Operator: Will you go?
Visitor: Yes, because LearnThatWord made me ready.
Operator: 🙂

Live Chat transcript II:

Visitor: I would just like to say how impressed I am with this program of yours!
Operator: Thank you!
Visitor: You see I took the SAT - I am 13 and I passed with flying colors. Thank you very much for everything here!! When I took the test I saw so many words that were here that were there!
Operator: Great! I am so glad it helped you.
Visitor: Thank you so much; I will continue to use this for the rest of my life.

I'm going through the college level words spelling quiz... I've learned more in the past day than since I left college... since before I started college for that matter.

Shay Boucher

Your program is so cool and great.

Mansa Aidoo

I'm loving most everything on your site. I use it every day as practice for the GRE, and I think the way your program is set up works really well with my learning style and my goals.

Mia Martine

I would like you to know that I love your site. It's so much fun. I spent hours online taking your quizzes. I'm a student looking to place in my spelling bee and want you to know what a help your site is to my intense training!

Ciera Finberg

We used your LearnThatWord program for my two daughters when we homeschooled them, and it was a fantastic help in remediating them. (...) we recommend it to anyone we know who wants to help their children improve their spelling!!

Pam Parquette

Thanks for the quick response. I myself have been looking for a program just like this. I have 2 children with learning disabilities. I just can't believe I found this program. I feel so blessed!

Marie Springman

I loved your website and i thought it was absolutely fantastic!
I won my school spelling bee and went on to the televised regionals but unfortunately i didn't win that one. I used the website to practice spelling and next year I'll sign up again and hopefully I'll make it as far (maybe even farther) than i did this time! Your website's helped me so much and i don't know what i would do without it!

Arianna Lipton

I am very lazy and work long hours and have little free time. I used this programm for 4 months and see results. Your programm is very cool.


I think this website is very good and a little bit challenging although I'm new in the country and have no school yet and I love school so this website is very helpful and English is 1 of my favourite subjects and it has been a pleasure doing and being on this website.

Elena Swyny
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