Learn That Word
Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord

  • all about
    All about YOU

    We create every session just for you.
    Nothing is out-of-the-box!

    Advance on your word journey in fast, easy steps. Focus on learning what’s important to you; we’ll manage your progress behind the scenes.

    LearnThatWord is a complete solution. We’re your virtual mom, catering to your every need and helping you be the best you can be.

  • word

    I'm WordGenie™, your personal coach.
    Your wordly wish is my command!

    Unleash my powers, dear master!
    It’s all laid out for you, for one-click magic!

    Let me guide you on your word journey, so you’ll advance in well-planned, logical steps.

    What gives me such magical powers?

    Learning from over
    30 vocabulary experts.

    Deep analysis of millions of texts.

    Years and years of obsessing
    about words.

    Sleepless sleepless nights
    dancing with databases.

  • multi-

    Explore each word’s context, its nuances and flavors, to get a sense of how to use it.

    Integrated in each quiz is our Open Dictionary of English, ODE.
    It’s the richest and most interesting learners’ dictionary available. Explore words through:

    Pronunciations from around the world
    100s of usage examples
    Idioms and limericks
    Interactive thesaurus
    Definitions from multiple sources
    Translations in 37 languages
    Synonyms, antonyms
    Words that rhyme
    Origin and root word information
    Verb conjugations
    Tutoring comments and trivia

  • smart
    SMART progress

    You want results, not busy work!

    At LearnThatWord, every session is targeted, interesting, and made just for you.

    We check off words you know, so you focus your energy on those that need more practice.

    Your individualized learning plan presents the right words for review at the right time.

    Get lasting results 10x faster than with any other vocabulary study tool.

  • fast
    Fast & Fun

    Sessions are lightning-fast and hassle-free.

    We don’t depend on gimmicks or “effects” to make sessions fun.

    Our members love them for their smart design and effectiveness.

    You’ll appreciate the fast progress you make even more than the rewards and prizes you earn.

    Boost your skills in privacy, at your own speed, without grades, pressure, or embarrassment.

  • lasting
    Lasting RESULTS

    A word turns into vocabulary as you learn it “by heart.” It’s that moment when you no longer have to think about it before you use it.

    Once you reach this level of “automaticity,” the word is yours forever. You will never forget it.

    LearnThatWord is the only fully managed solution that builds this automaticity.

    You’ll meet each word repeatedly over time and explore its nuances and “flavors.” Our multimedia resources bring words to life.

    Proven study methods, accelerated by adaptive and individualized coaching, make words “stick.” New words turn into vocabulary that moves you forward.

    We are so confident in the results, we guarantee them!

  • non

    Our goal is to empower you by giving you the vocabulary you need to succeed with confidence.

    We provide unlimited free tutoring to students worldwide.

    Upgrade anytime to enjoy premium features. Premium members support our global literacy campaign, Vocabulary Junction, and the expansion of our collaborative learners’ dictionary.

Über unsere External Log In Funktion

"Melden Sie sich mit meinen Facebook, Yahoo, Google oder Twitter-Account" - Was bedeutet das?

Die Verwendung von OpenID technology allows you to create and log in to an account by associating it with a website where you may already have an account.

We offer this service for Facebook, Google Apps, Google / Gmail, Yahoo und Twitter.

Warum sollte ich das tun?

Es ist bequem.

Sollten Sie jemals brauchen, um Ihr Kennwort zu ändern, müssen Sie nur aktualisieren Sie Ihre Hauptbuchhaltung und das Protokoll, um LearnThatWord funktioniert immer noch auf die gleiche Weise, ohne zusätzliche Passwort-Änderungen.

Ich möchte nicht auf meine Facebook-Passwort mit Ihnen teilen!

Sie tun es nicht.

Dies ist, wie es funktioniert: Unsere Website Kontakte Facebook (oder einem der anderen OpenID-Provider) zu fragen, ob Sie in. Wenn Facebook bestätigt, dass wir lassen Sie in Ihrem Konto unter LearnThatWord angemeldet sind.

Wenn Sie abgemeldet und sind aufgefordert, sich anzumelden, du machst so weiter Facebook-Website. nie vergessen. After you log in, you're redirected to our site with a confirmation from Facebook that you are who you say you are. That's all.

Welche Art von Genehmigung gewähre ich Ihnen?

Wir empfangen Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Vor-und Nachnamen von Facebook, Google, Yahoo und Google Apps.
Es ist nur die Standardeinstellung für ihre OpenID Prozess.

Twitter schickt uns Ihre Benutzer-ID-Nummer nur, nicht Ihre E-Mail.

Ich habe bereits ein Konto.

Yes. During sign up you are asked if you already have a LearnThatWord account. We will suggest any account that is associated with the same email. If a match is not found, you can select "Let me enter it" and enter your LearnThat log in credentials.

Jetzt können Sie in beide Richtungen einloggen - manuell auf unserer Website oder über OpenID.

Wenn ich mein Konto über OpenID, kann ich direkt einloggen, auch?

Once your new account is created, you'll receive an email with a password for logging into your account directly. This is a computer generated code, so you might want to change. You can do this in the password area of your profile.

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