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Video: Why vocabulary matters

Video: Who uses it

Video: What people say
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Interesting article - http://news.discovery.com/human/autism-puts-brain-growth-in-overdrive-110505.html#mkcpgn=rssnws1

Not really surprising from a parenting perspective. Two years of age is the time when the child discovers a sense of self, and starts to challenge and explore its options in the social network surrounding them ("the terrible two").
Autistic kids have a different sense of self, and low ability to interact socially, so while the "normal" kids get busy figuring out how the people around them respond to a "no" presented in varying levels of intensity, autistic brains just punch out of this social learning process.

Consequently, their brain is growing faster in the cognitive area during this time.

Wondering if MRI can also detect where non-autistic kids grow during this time... where does social learning take place? Does that show up on these scans?
Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in autism, Ihr Gehirn. | Leave a comment |

Invited for the second time to attend the conference of the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) at the end of May in San Francisco with innovator credentials. Excited!

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Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, Technologie, Web-Entwicklung and tagged , , . | Leave a comment |

... you might be dyslexic.

[from a t-shirt I saw today]

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Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in dyslexia, Uncategorized and tagged . | Leave a comment |

... Nicht auf unser Gehirn (Menschenwürde verhindert dies), sondern auf der CPU unserer Entwickler den Computern, wie sie auf der Grundlage unserer Arbeit neues Vokabular Modul.

Unsere Gehirne laufen red hot als gut, und ich glaube nicht, dass ich ohne zu träumen von Wörtern und Zahlen für Wochen geschlafen.

Die Form dieses Projekt nimmt, ist erstaunlich, und es ist das große "Rakete blast-off" Kribbeln in der Spitze meiner Nase, etwas Großes passieren wird.

Im Laufe der nächsten Blog-Einträge, werde ich mit Ihnen teilen, wie ich ein wenig Zeit, was wir vorhaben zu finden.

Normalerweise, wenn ich meinen Freunden erklären, was wir vorhaben, Glasur ihren Augen vorbei, denn ehrlich gesagt, was unsere hellen LTW Ingenieure jetzt kochen ist sehr mächtig Zeug, und ein ziemlich komplexes Unterfangen.

Um mit etwas weniger abstrakt als Start "Sprache", lassen Sie mich Ihnen eine kurze "stellaren" Erklärung, warum ich so über das neue Modul LearnThatWord aufgeregt.

Once upon a time, people would look up at the sky and see a random sprinkling of stars. And air was just invisible nothingness.
Über viele tausend Jahre, und durch sorgfältige Beobachtung und Analyse, die Menschheit langsam festgestellt, dass es war ein Befehl zu den Sternen, ein "Kosmos", ein System und Harmonie.

Bestimmte Sterne gesehen könnte Bewegung in Gruppen, andere hatten eine bestimmte Qualität, die sie auszeichnet.

Later on, we started to understand that we are looking at different systems and spheres, five in total, troposphere being the one closest to us, stacked into each other like a Russian doll.

Ich liebe dieses Bild, und obwohl ich nicht weiß, den Kontext für sie erstellt wurde, habe ich einen Lernenden und Suchenden, die durch den Kern Kugel brechen verwaltet, sehen und wer über sich zu bewegen auf die nächste.

Allerdings, wenn wir über den Sphären gehen, wir sehen im Grunde eine unendliche Sammlung von großen Einheiten genannt Solaranlagen.

Im Laufe der Zeit gelernt, dass das, was wir als "das Universum" ist einfach ein Wort, das wir verwenden, um etwas, dass eigentlich niemand in der Lage ist, zu visualisieren oder begreifen repräsentieren die Menschheit.

So, this is how the old astronomers would sketch their astrologic knowledge. Keep this in mind as I make a leap from the stars to the English language, because you will better understand what the new quiz will bring if you visualize it with this structure.
Ok ...

Wörter sind nicht gleich.

Bereits in der ersten Hälfte des letzten Jahrhunderts, setzte sich nieder und Menschen - zu der Zeit, manuell - durch große Mengen von Texten sah, Zählen Worte eins nach dem anderen.

Diese alten Frequenz Listen sind noch recht aktuell, weil sie enthalten nur ein paar hundert der Top-Worte.

Dies ist ein Auszug aus Wikipedia:
So besitzen die zentralen Worte bringt eine sofortige begünstigte, einen Quantensprung in Richtung Entriegeln einer Sprache.

However, to be fluent in a language, you need above 95% of word proficiency. If you are presented with a text of 100 words, not knowing 5 in them is still a high number, and you will need a lot of energy and concentration to make it through a text or conversation at this level. It's kind of like riding a bicycle with a flat tire. You can do it, but it's bumpy and a pain and you won't find it very fun.
Hier ist ein anderes Wort Schätzung:
Zur Meisterschaft zu erreichen, die Sie tatsächlich benötigen etwa 15.000-20.000 Worte und mit Worten die meisten Forscher bedeutet das "Wort Familie".

Es gibt unzählige Möglichkeiten, um die Kern 1.000 Wörter zu lernen, weil es das ist, was viele, viele Verlage konzentrieren.

Jenseits dieser Kern Worten, effektive Unterstützung schnell verflüchtigt, und es wird exponentiell schwieriger zu erlernen.

Um bieten Nachhilfe über die gesamte Frequenz-Strang ist nur für LTW möglich, wobei das einzige Programm, um ein umfassender Wortschatz Daten nun 180.000 Wörter (und stetig wachsende) gesetzt konzipiert.

Die Bedeutung von 80/20 bis language
What various language programs suggest is that if you learn the top 1,000 or 2,000 words you're close to mastery. Doesn't that sound great? Learn the 1,000 words that make up 80% of texts and your almost done!

Wenn man genauer hinschaut, werden Sie jedoch feststellen, dass diese 1.000 Kern der Wörter, die Sie natürlich abholen ziemlich schnell, sie sind wirklich sehr einfach.

Hier sind einige zufällig ausgewählte Zeilen.

Die Welt ist sehr xxxxxxx.
Mögen Sie Ihre xxxxxx?
Was wissen Sie über xxxxxx denken?
Ich kann nicht glauben, es ist xxxxxx!

What all of these sentences have in common is that they use core words for 80% of the text volume. Despite this big text volume that's covered by the high frequency words, not knowing 20% makes communication useless!

Probieren Sie es selbst:
Nehmen Sie eine mittlere, casual Text und leere alle die etwas mehr spezifische oder erweiterte Worte.

It's the 80/20 thing all over again. If you've got the 1,000 core words down, you cover 80% of the text, but only 20% of the meaning. On easy-to-read texts, 20% of words, roughly, will be made up of non-core or advanced words. Unfortunately for the learner, often these 20% carry the bulk of the meaning in a text.

Eine gute Nachricht ist, dass die Forscher (einschließlich unserer eigenen Team bei LTW) wurden die Einstellung der Big Data Monstern auf der Spur der englischen Sprache auf der ganzen Welt, die Untersuchung der Struktur von allen verschiedenen Blickwinkeln, und eine "Sprache Kosmos" beginnt sich zu offenbaren

The data monster has been digesting incredible amounts of words and has produced a lot of very valuable data sets, so that we now not only know the top 20,000 word families, but far beyond.

An exciting time to be in linguistics! Or language tutoring... 😉

Vokabeltrainer Sphären

Mit diesen Daten und einige wichtige Aspekte, die ich in Zukunft Einträge erläutern werde, ist es möglich, die Sprache Kosmos in Kugeln (erinnere mich an das Bild oben?) Unterteilen.

Unser neues Vokabular Assessment-Tool ermöglicht es Benutzern, uns zu sagen, was ihre einzigartigen Fokus ist:
Vielleicht möchten Sie
- focus on spoken language only,
- prepare for medical school,
- ... or business communications,
- ... or explore humanities or social sciences,
- ... or be on equal verbal turf with lawyers?

Sagen Sie unser Programm, was Sie suchen, um zu erreichen, und wir werden prep Sie entsprechend. allgemeine frequency list. But, in addition to that, we havezwölf (12) präziser Frequenz Saiten, Die jeweils für ein anderes Lernen konzentrieren und jede umfangreiche und umfassende.

Also mit dieser Frequenz Daten ist es möglich, zum Aufbrechen der Lernfortschritt in einen Kosmos von verschiedenen Sphären und unglaublicher Genauigkeit bestimmen, wie viel Speicherplatz Sie bereits abdecken, was das Vokabular.

Wir freuen uns, eine einfache und effektive Wortschatz Assessment-Tool direkt nach dem Start unserer neuen Wortschatz Modul zu bauen.

If you share our passion for learning and would love to wear sponsor laurels, wenden Sie sich bitte.

Frequency data is one of the core pillars of this project, but only one of them. I will post some more of the logic of the new algorithm as we go along, so please consider subscribing to this blog or joining us on Facebook...
Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, Technologie, Web-Entwicklung and tagged , . | Leave a comment |

LearnThatWord was nominated today as a finalist for two CODiE awards:
  • Best K-12 Instructional Solution
  • Best Reading/English Instructional Solution

    The CODiE awards are given annually by the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) based on selections made by a jury of judges from the industry and voting among industry peers. We're delighted!

  • Posted via email from LearnThat's Blog

    Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, Technologie, Web-Entwicklung and tagged , , . | Leave a comment |

    Received our first donation to preserve and expand Vocabulary Junction into the next year... thank you!

    Would like to take part? There's a donation button and thermometer on the über uns page.

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    Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Wortschatz Junction. | Leave a comment |

    We're constantly working behind the scenes to improve LTW. Many of these things you'll notice as improved speed or better data for the words, but here a few noteworthy recent upgrades:

    When you study via Vocabulary Tutor, you have the option to find a word based on definition/image/sample sentence before clicking the audio button. If you succeed, you are issued a bonus point, which is worth a nugget and also counts towards your diploma. With the latest upgrade, the word is no longer added to the practice list if you enter it incorrectly, since many times there are multiple right answers for a certain definition. Failed bonus word attempts are simply added to your preferred word list to be re-tested again in one of the future sessions.

    If you are spending coins on your reward page, it will now prompt you to confirm that you want a particular item, since in the past sometimes members clicked at multiple items not aware that it would deduct coins for each activity. If you choose to get learning credits as your reward, you can see how many learning credits you have in your student portal now, even if you're a member.

    And because members tend to take quizzes more frequently now that they are rewarded for it, we implemented a 6-hour wait list feature that prevents that words are moving through the practice cycle too quickly. LTW is based on the principle of spaced repetition, so we provide a few quick exposures in the first quiz, and future reviews should happen stretched over a time period that ensures the word is pulled from long-term memory, not short-term.

    New feature: If quizzes are restarted in short sequence, practice words that have been presented before will not be shown again until six hours have passed since the last review. Words affected are listed in a 6-hour wait list table in your practice word page.

    Our goal for LTW is perfection and our to-do list long... if you have feedback or ideas about what we could be doing better, please let us know!

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    Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, Web-Entwicklung and tagged . | Leave a comment |

    A big step towards making LearnThatWord an easy, one-click choice for schools: we are now available in the Google Apps Marketplace.

    Schools using the free Google Apps for Education program can now make LearnThatWord available for teachers and students with a click. Google Apps provides sophisticated email features with calendar, tasks, and document tools that can be used privately or shared by your constituents in a free and ad-free environment.

    Since our program is offered through the no-worry, affordable and 100% measured Pay-Per-Result concept--without any per-person licensing fees--it’s easy to get everybody started through the Google Apps Marketplace. You don’t even have to decide who to include or exclude, since you can do that later on by granting or removing sponsorship as needed.

    Students receive 5 free learning credits each, schools 100 additional credits. This allows for a few weeks of trial time, on average.

    In addition, all third graders study free with our Vocabulary Junction campaign. Your annual expense is capped to protect your budget, making it the easiest, most accountable and most affordable tutoring solution available to remediate vocabulary and spelling.

    Click here to add it to your Google Apps for Education account now:


    Click here if you don’t yet have a free Google Apps for Education account and would like to get started.

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    Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized. | Leave a comment |

    I live in a great place. Little Sebastopol in Sonoma County, home to a lot of conscientious and smart people, and among them the good folks at O'Reillys.
    Today, I came a across a discussion on the value of practice, which culminated in the following lines that I would like to share:

    My point this morning was in large part that repetition and drill matter, and that once you've figured out that they're actually helping you, they 'suck' a lot less.
    It's not just a matter of Calvinist ethics (sorry, Kurt) - it's an opportunity for learners to move forward by doing things a lot, shifting ahead a bit at a time. The great leaps are fun as well, but build on smaller steps.
    My concern with this is that while letting kids figure out what works for them is a good idea and that different kids will figure out different things, actually becoming good at things is about a lot more than discovering them or creating them.
    Reading sheet music is one thing - learning to play an instrument is another. And I figured out what integration and differentiation were about long before I got to calculus, but I probably should have flunked my second semester of calculus because I just couldn't wrap my head around how to actually make it work. (Which shocked me, because math up to then had just flowed naturally for me.)
    Ideally I'd love to have discovery and creativity motivate learners' actions - but they still need to motivate learners into a tremendous amount of repetition to get there.
    Kurt said 'Computers and the internet can be used to scale the learning by discovery paradigm.' Yes, and they can also be used to manage, moderate, and fine-tune repetition. Hopefully we can combine all of that into something that gives people instruction at a pace they can maintain, thrilled by their progress, but also in a way that sticks with them."

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    Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized. | Leave a comment |

    ... we're excited to announce the launch of our new rewards program!
    LearnThatWord users now earn coins for completing quizzes! These coins buy anything from La Linea cartoons to games to free learning credits, etc. After all, the biggest challenge about learning is keeping the momentum going and to stay motivated!
    Rewards, whether they're diplomas or prizes, are given for effort und quality, not existing achievement.
    Come check it out, and let me know what you think!

    Posted via email from LearnThat's Blog

    Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized. | Leave a comment |
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