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Attended a very interesting and engaging event over the weekend: ETIS, the symposium of the educational technology industry, here in San Francisco. It is one of my favorite events, because it provides amble opportunity to mix and connect with the greatestContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in education, teachers, technology und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

Invited for the second time to attend the conference of the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) at the end of May in San Francisco with innovator credentials. Excited! Posted via email from LearnThat’s Blog

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, technology, web development und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

LearnThatWord was nominated today as a finalist for two CODiE awards:Best K-12 Instructional Solution Best Reading/English Instructional SolutionThe CODiE awards are given annually by the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) based on selections made by a jury of judgesContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, technology, web development und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |
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