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Spelling mistakes at work

It's not new or surprising: Employing people with weak spelling skills is expensive.

Now, web technology actually let's us measure the damage: A web entrepreneur reports in this BBC article that fixing a spelling mistake doubled his sales from that page.

William Dutton, Oxford Internet Institute, agrees: "A misspelt word could be a killer issue.”

Spellcheckers can help you fix errors, but they can't replace knowledge.

James Fothergill, the Confederation of British Industry's head of education and skills, said: "Our recent research shows that 42% of employers are not satisfied with the basic reading and writing skills of school and college leavers and almost half have had to invest in remedial training to get their staff's skills up to scratch.


Posted via email from LearnThat's Blog

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Alphabetisierung, Rechtschreibung, Web-Entwicklung und markiert .

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