Every year around this time the Spelling Bee hopefuls are buzzing around the LearnThatWord hive... and for good reason:
We are the most comprehensive Spelling Bee program around, with a spelling bee module that offers over 25,000 typical Spelling Bee words, sorted by frequency and difficulty.
In addition, parents and teachers are eagerly adding 2015 Spelling Bee word lists to our archive!
Come take a look here:
Word list results for Spelling Bee 2015
If you like a list, you can add it to your account and we will focus on those words with priority.
Remember, if you add a lot of words to your account, make sure that "practice words, then priority words" is selected in your preference settings.
Otherwise, you'll keep going through new Spelling Bee words but miss out on practicing those that need more review. This review of Spelling Bee words that you find difficult, however, is where the real learning happens that will prepare you for your big moment on stage!
2 Responses to Buchstabierwettbewerb Saison in vollem Gange!