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Every year, over 10 million students try out for the National Spelling Bee.

So, what does it take to come out ahead of everyone and win top honors?

Aside from a natural spelling talent, champions have three common traits:

1 - They practice relentlessly--and smartly!

2 - They're persistent; often preparing, like top-athletes, for years.

3 - They use effective tools to manage their studies.

Did you know...

... that some of the founding mothers of LearnThatWord had kids who wanted to win the Spelling Bee? That's why from our early beginnings in 2004, we invested special attention into our Spelling Bee module.

Spelling Bee champion

Photo courtesy of www.businessinsider.com/lives-of-national-spelling-bee-champs-2013-5

The Spelling Bee module that you selected when you signed up for LearnThatWord covers over 25,000 typical Spelling Bee words, sorted by difficulty and how frequently they appear in events.
Every year, we add new words that pop up at the event.

Just by start your quizzes, you'll automatically learn them all -- the easier and more common ones first and the advanced words. No need for complicated management, which can get easily out of hand considering the size of the task!

How does it work?

While you take quizzes, LearnThatWord keeps track of what you know and what needs further practice. Words you missed are added to your practice list. They are then automatically reviewed over future sessions until you got them right three times in a row. It doesn't matter how many reviews that takes, since our technology keeps track and practices the word with you, until youl get it right, always.

Do you have to start at the lowest grade?

No, you can change your grade level under preference at any time. It is safer, though, to just quickly check all words to make sure that you don't miss anything that will cause you to hear the bell too early.

One of our members once studied over 20,000 words, only to lose in the first round to a word he thought was "too easy"!

Good luck with your Spelling Bee!

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in practice, Spelling Bee, Uncategorized.

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