Learn That Word


Video: Why vocabulary matters

Video: Who uses it

Video: What people say
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I'm curious about the "Learn That Word" app. What grade level is it appropriate for? I teach high school and don't want to get burned buying another app that looks like it may be great for my kids but is actually for elementary.

Thank you for the question! You are right, there are hardly any intelligent options for high school students.

The reason why we started LearnThatWord is that a "one-size-fits-all" approach, as provided by traditional methods, is completely inappropriate for advanced learners. At LearnThatWord, every student has their own vocabulary and learning profile, and every learning session is designed based on needs, goals, and learning history.
Foundation of LearnThatWord is our Open Dictionary of English, a collaborative, multi-media resource covering 180,000 words.

The program continually assesses and adapts to student input, focusing study time on words that actually need practice.

Your students can select learn English + grade level or "prepare for the SAT" as their preference. In our database, the grade level of words is tagged based on detailed analysis of textbook standards. It is quite common, however, that a student's actual skill level is a few grades lower. The grade level can be easily adjusted in the preferences, and should be set so that the student gets around 80-90% of words right. Additionally, teacher and student can add their own word lists to further customize studies.

LearnThatWord is used by students second grade and higher, as well as college and graduate students. We even have university professors among our members! LearnThatWord creates an interesting and challenging environment for anyone, from the struggling to the advanced learner, since the program always adapts to the individual needs, skill level and learning history.

In addition, we provide support through the app, so you're never alone with any questions you might have.
Posted by Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized.

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