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Rewards and prizes!

Over the years, Google has helped LearnThat Foundation tremendously through its Google grant program. From its Google Ad grant to free use of Google apps and other offers, we have always been extremely grateful for the support.

While most US nonprofits qualify, many struggle -- either to successfully complete the application process (yes, there are multiple pit falls!) or to make the Adwords system work for them. Of the $10,000 given to each nonprofit per month, most use less than $300, overwhelmed by the requirements of setting up a high quality campaign.

After helping numerous nonprofits on an informal basis and to make optimal use of our team's skills, we launched a nonprofit consulting agency, BigHeartCloud (BHC).

We're certified Google Adwords partners and offer a unique concept to nonprofits:

Our package requires just one low fee if we succeed in securing the Google Ad grant, and no fees at all if we fail. Included in the low fee is a 90 minute webinar tailed to the needs of nonprofits starting out with Adwords, and up to an hour of personal consultation time. If you're a nonprofit or know of one that would benefit of receiving this amazing monthly advertising allowance, please recommend us!
Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized.

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