Learn That Word


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Category Archives: web development

All three quizzes now use mobile-ready html5 and are integrated with our Open English Dictionary, for an improved answer page and user experience. The format has been condensed and the tab key functionality expanded. This means, it is now easier toLesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in dictionary, LearnThatWord, technology, Uncategorized, web development. | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

I normally don’t post much about the webmastering of LearnThat, but what we recently experienced is so dramatic that I wanted to share it with you. Like I do regularly, I logged into my analytics and saw this: A drasticLesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, web development und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

It’s not new or surprising: Employing people with weak spelling skills is expensive. Now, web technology actually let’s us measure the damage: A web entrepreneur reports in this BBC article that fixing a spelling mistake doubled his sales from thatLesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in literacy, spelling, web development und markiert . | 9 Comments |

Invited for the second time to attend the conference of the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) at the end of May in San Francisco with innovator credentials. Excited! Posted via email from LearnThat’s Blog

Posted by Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, technology, web development und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

not on our brains (human dignity prevents this), but on the CPU of our developerscomputers, as they work on the foundation for our new vocabulary module. Our brains are running red hot as well, and I don’t think I’veLesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, technology, web development und markiert , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

LearnThatWord nominiert wurde heute als einer der Finalisten für zwei Codie Awards: Best K-12 Instructional beste Lösung Reading / Deutsch Instructional SolutionThe Codie Awards werden jährlich von der Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) auf Auswahl durch eine Jury von Richtern beruhen gegeben … Lesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, technology, web development und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

We're constantly working behind the scenes to improve LTW. Many of these things you'll notice as improved speed or better data for the words, but here a few noteworthy recent upgrades: When you study via Vocabulary Tutor, you have theLesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in LearnThatWord, web development und markiert . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |
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