“If you want to be rich, you have to have a rich man’s vocabulary. Words can make you rich, or can make you poor.” Robert Kiyosaki, author of the popular book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
It will make the Scripps National Spelling Bee harder, but also much more meaningful. The thousands of Spelling Bee hopefuls who use LearnThatWord will have an easy time with this, since we already teach meaning and usage along with spelling.This … Continue reading
Wir haben eine Menge von Mitgliedern, die für die National Spelling Bee vorzubereiten, so ist dieser Artikel über einen Wortschatz von IB Bowl statt … Continue reading
Great article on the value of vocabulary: http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/01/building-better-kids-vocabulary-edition It is beyond me how anybody could doubt the importance of vocabulary, unless you have the agenda of keeping those that don’t “need” a strong vocabulary disenfranchised. I’m also growing tired of … Continue reading
Check out this little report, in which a neuro-scientist explains that the characteristic of an expert is less mental activity, not more. You become an expert once you gain automaticity around the elements required for expertise. This used to be called memory, but since ideology has piled … Continue reading
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