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Archiv der Kategorie: Lehrer

“What’s lost as handwriting fades?” asks a NYT article. Apparently, more than anticipated by those who assume that handwriting should no longer be taught in school. Neuroscientists now provide some clues as to why handwriting seems to influence learning inLesen Sie weiter

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Bildung, wie man lernt, Englisch lernen, Alphabetisierung, Speicher, Praxis, Selbst-Entwicklung, Lehrer, Technologie, Ihr Gehirn. | 1 Kommentar |

Today, another exquisite article in the New York Times Magazine, called “Aufbau einer besseren Lehrer.” Decades of educational discussion and crisis remediation attempts have taken us to wondrous lands of ideology, deserts of testing, winding paths of experimental technologies. It … Lesen Sie weiter

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in wie man lernt, Lehrer. | 1 Kommentar |

Attended a very interesting and engaging event over the weekend: ETIS, the symposium of the educational technology industry, here in San Francisco. It is one of my favorite events, because it provides amble opportunity to mix and connect with the greatestLesen Sie weiter

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Bildung, Lehrer, Technologie und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |
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