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Archiv der Kategorie: Spelling Bee

Every year around this time the Spelling Bee hopefuls are buzzing around the LearnThatWord hiveand for good reason:We are the most comprehensive Spelling Bee program around, with a spelling bee module that offers over 25,000 typical Spelling Bee words, sorted by frequencyContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in fun with English, memory, Spelling Bee. | 2 Kommentare |

Since 2013 the National Spelling Bee includes an additional vocabulary component. It is now no longer enough to spell well, you also need to pass a tests that quizzes you on what words mean. This is why we recommend toContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Rechtschreibung, Spelling Bee. | 2 Kommentare |

In our last email, we talked about what it takes to join the Spelling Bee champions. I introduced some of the features of the Spelling Bee module you’re enrolled in, and how you can change the grade level to skipContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Rechtschreibung, Spelling Bee. | 1 Comment |

Every year, over 10 million students try out for the National Spelling Bee. So, what does it take to come out ahead of everyone and win top honors? Aside from a natural spelling talent, champions have three common traits: 1 … Continue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in practice, Spelling Bee, Uncategorized. | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

Jenna Stafford, a long time supporter, sent us the following lines: I just wanted you to know that my triplet boys came in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in their school spelling bee today out of nearly 100 spellers! I give allContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in our members, Spelling Bee. | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

With this year’s finals around the corner (Thursday, 5/30, 8 pm EST), here some history of the spelling bee. The good olspelling bee, it seems, is an American tradition older than even American independence.According to this article by Merriam-Webster,Continue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in fun with English, Geschichte, Spelling Bee. | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

Over the last few decades, Indian Americans have been outshining other ethnicities at the National Spelling Bee. Why is a population that makes up roughly 1% of the US population so heavily represented at the event?Why were 10 champions in theContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Spelling Bee. | 5 Comments |

It will make the Scripps National Spelling Bee harder, but also much more meaningful. The thousands of Spelling Bee hopefuls who use LearnThatWord will have an easy time with this, since we already teach meaning and usage along with spelling.ThisContinue reading

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in fun with English, LearnThatWord, Spelling Bee, Wortschatz. | 1 Comment |
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