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Attended a very interesting and engaging event over the weekend: ETIS, the symposium of the educational technology industry, here in San Francisco. It is one of my favorite events, because it provides amble opportunity to mix and connect with the greatestLesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, teachers, technology und markiert , , . | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |

A large study involving 3,000 students has shown that in about 10% of children their problems with academic achievement were actually due to a lack of working memory capacity. http://www.physorg.com/news123404466.html While the article laments that teachers often fail to assessLesen Sie weiter

Posted by Rosevita Warda in add/adhd, education, Englisch, wie man lernt, learn English, LearnThatWord, literacy, memory, Praxis, Selbst-Entwicklung, Ihr Gehirn. | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar |
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