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Category Archives: education

What’s lost as handwriting fades?asks a NYT article. Apparently, more than anticipated by those who assume that handwriting should no longer be taught in school. Neuroscientists now provide some clues as to why handwriting seems to influence learning inContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, how to learn, learn English, literacy, memory, practice, self-development, teachers, technology, your brain. | 1 Comment |

[] All humans, short of being afflicted with certain types of organic damage, are born with an astounding capacity to learn, both in the amount that can be learned in one domain and in the variety and range of whatContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, how to learn, memory, self-development, your brain. | 2 Comments |

Learning, it could seem, would be much easier, if the brain was designed like a computer: A system that catalogs information, stores it, and allows easy on-demand retrieval. Anyone trying to understand how the brain works does well to keepContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, how to learn, LearnThatWord, practice, self-development, your brain. | Leave a comment |

Have you ever wondered why we have a test/study, quiz-like format at LearnThatWord? Because it improves retention AND transfer of knowledge into new context. This means, not only do you learn more effectively, remember longer, but you are also muchContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, how to learn, LearnThatWord, practice, self-development, test, your brain. | Leave a comment |

It takes 10,000 hours of practice to truly master a skill.This is the much-quoted statement by Professor of Psychology K. Anders Ericsson, Florida State University. His conclusion that experts in a given field have clocked around 10,000 to gainContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, how to learn, learn English, memory, practice, self-development, your brain. | Leave a comment |

Over 1 of 10 adults are illiterate. 2/3 of them are women.In celebration of International Literacy Day 2013, a new UNESCO infographic illustrates the problem: What can be done to improve these numbers? Please join our new Vocabulary Junction communities, and work with usContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, English, literacy, self-development. | 2 Comments |

“If you want to be rich, you have to have a rich man’s vocabulary. Words can make you rich, or can make you poor.” Robert Kiyosaki, author of the popular book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, English, learn English, LearnThatWord, vocabulary, your brain and tagged . | Leave a comment |

We have a lot of members who prepare for the National Spelling Bee, so this article about a Vocabulary Bowl held by I.B. Tigrett Middle School in Jackson, Tennessee, was brought to our attention: http://www.wbbjtv.com/news/local/Vocabulary-Bowl-Tests-Students-Knowledge-199199441.html What stood out was theContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, fun with English, how to learn, vocabulary. | 2 Comments |

A beautiful movie about what it means to be comfortable with language and literacy: Posted via email from LearnThat’s Blog

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, literacy, self-development and tagged , , . | Leave a comment |

And if you care about promoting opportunity and reducing inequality, the classroom is the place to start.”~ Secretary Arne Duncan, October 9, 2009.or maybe the Internet? Our schools are failing our studentspersonalized learning coupled with Open andContinue reading

Posted by Rosevita Warda in education, literacy, self-development. | Leave a comment |
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