Lerne dieses Wort


Video: Why vocabulary matters

Video: Who uses it

Video: What people say
Rewards and prizes!

With spring and a flavor of change in the air, we at eSpindle Learning are feverishly at work, making major changes to our website. By end of May, www.espindle.org will re-launch as http://www.LearnThatWord.org. Instead of the membership model we will launch an innovative concept that allows users to only pay for results! Only if you had trouble with a word and we successfully taught it to you will you pay a few pennies.

This will make LearnThatWord accessible to a much wider audience and more affordable.

We are also planning two major campaigns to celebrate our continued growth:

Come August, we will launch Vocabulary Junction, a campaign to make free tutoring available to third graders throughout the nation. If we find some extra sponsorship support, we may even be able to include 2nd graders and other countries. You can find our partner invitation here: http://www.espindle.org/proposal_o.swf.

Please contact us if you have ideas or would like to get involved!!

We are also actively looking for ways to make free tutoring available to other literacy organizations.

If you represent a nonprofit serving an audience that needs LearnThatWord support, feel free to contact us.

Posted via web aus LearnThat Blog

Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized.

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