Lerne dieses Wort


Video: Why vocabulary matters

Video: Who uses it

Video: What people say
Rewards and prizes!

Friday will see the launch of Word Cup as part of the LitCam Live! Forum at the Frankfurt Book Fair. (12:00, Hall 4.2)

Word Cup is designed to harness the power of the Web to make good, maybe even amazing, things happen. Our goal is to grow the event into the largest literacy fundraiser on the Web.

With some generous support from Google and Amazon Web Services and great media partners like BetterWorldBooks, AromaLand and Helium.com, we're on our way...

People who participated in the last Word Cup will notice some profound differences - for one, Word Cup is now completely free!
Secondly, there are substantial prizes to be won. That is, if you support the Word Cup fund with a few dollars yourself.

Being a supporter qualifies you for lots of extra "Word Cup 2.0" prizes; plus, you'll help the Word Cup Literacy Fund grow. Come check out Word Cup's four literacy projects!
Geschrieben von Rosevita Warda in Uncategorized.

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