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List of suffixes ending in "ate"

List #: 1281

Keywords/tags: suffix, suffixes, root words, word roots, words ending in "ate"

Comments: Clicking "modify" list will make a copy of this list, so you can add or remove words. You can also remove words once they have been added to your account.
Description: This is a list of words ending with suffix "ate", meaning "state or quality of (adj.)" and "makes the word a verb"..
Author: eSpindle Learning.
Subject: English vocabulary.
Supporting Link: http://www.espindle.org/suffix.html.

Created: 11/19/2009

Modified: 11/19/2009

List of Words:

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(part 1) (30 words)

bifurcate, excoriate, inchoate, licentiate, promulgate, importunate, obfuscate, vitiate, extenuate, immolate, postulate, attenuate, collate, concatenate, conciliate, debilitate, defalcate, emaciate, federate, expatriate, expectorate, execrate, expostulate, felicitate, inebriate, irradiate, laureate, militate, obviate, palliate

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(part 2) (31 words)

perambulate, propitiate, reprobate, vociferate, integrate, aggregate, amalgamate, animate, asphyxiate, asseverate, circumnavigate, commensurate, commiserate, consummate, decimate, delineate, denominate, depopulate, determinate, disconsolate, disseminate, effeminate, equivocate, eviscerate, exasperate, expatiate, exculpate, expiate, explicate, flagellate, fumigate

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(part 3) (31 words)

hibernate, indiscriminate, instigate, intestate, intoxicate, invigorate, legislate, meliorate, mitigate, objurgate, oblate, orate, oscillate, osculate, penultimate, postdate, postgraduate, precipitate, prelate, prognosticate, prostrate, reciprocate, ruminate, triumvirate, venerate, vituperate, altercate, assonate, belate, protuberate, incorporate

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(part 4) (31 words)

correlate, deprecate, desecrate, incarnate, infiltrate, innate, inviolate, literate, macerate, placate, pontificate, preponderate, profligate, reinstate, adulterate, allocate, ameliorate, castigate, cognate, conglomerate, congregate, contaminate, discriminate, dislocate, dissipate, enumerate, excavate, expurgate, gesticulate, incarcerate, innovate

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(part 5) (31 words)

interrelate, intimidate, invalidate, litigate, luxuriate, masticate, mediate, modulate, nauseate, opiate, palpitate, pate, percolate, perpetuate, predominate, procrastinate, recapitulate, rejuvenate, relegate, resonate, satiate, scintillate, spate, stagnate, syndicate, triplicate, undulate, vacillate, vegetate, vindicate, itinerate

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(part 6) (31 words)

quadrate, coordinate, degenerate, intermediate, stipulate, actuate, depreciate, desiccate, designate, enervate, eradicate, ingratiate, interpolate, intimate, perpetrate, predicate, abnegate, abominate, acetate, adumbrate, agglomerate, alleviate, ambulate, antedate, antiquate, apostate, appellate, captivate, coagulate, confiscate, conjugate

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(part 7) (31 words)

consecrate, consulate, decapitate, demonstrate, dehydrate, elucidate, emulate, enunciate, exonerate, extricate, impregnate, illegitimate, inanimate, incapacitate, incriminate, inveterate, irritate, necessitate, negate, obligate, officiate, orientate, palate, permeate, potentate, prate, repudiate, sedate, sophisticate, speculate, stalemate

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(part 8) (31 words)

titillate, underrate, understate, variegate, excruciate, advocate, affiliate, isolate, abrogate, arrogate, dictate, differentiate, disparate, emanate, illuminate, interrogate, remonstrate, subjugate, violate, abate, abdicate, accommodate, accumulate, adequate, alternate, alienate, agitate, annihilate, annotate, arbitrate, articulate

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(part 9) (31 words)

bicarbonate, capitulate, cogitate, collaborate, commemorate, compensate, consolidate, corroborate, donate, emancipate, encapsulate, exhilarate, exterminate, fabricate, frustrate, impersonate, implicate, inarticulate, insensate, levitate, liquidate, magistrate, magnate, meditate, negotiate, nominate, obdurate, prevaricate, pulsate, recuperate, renovate

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(part 10) (31 words)

resuscitate, retaliate, reverberate, second-rate, segregate, simulate, syncopate, translate, ultimate, vaccinate, circulate, cremate, dominate, formulate, notate, vibrate, dilate, fluctuate, immaculate, inaugurate, aggravate, amputate, anticipate, assassinate, assimilate, complicate, curate, desolate, deteriorate, disintegrate, elongate

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(part 11) (31 words)

evaporate, generate, germinate, illiterate, immigrate, inoculate, intricate, inundate, legitimate, liberate, lubricate, mandate, obliterate, originate, regenerate, rehabilitate, remunerate, stimulate, vacate, approximate, marinate, imitate, manipulate, temperate, abbreviate, accurate, affectionate, administrate, appreciate, associate, candidate

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(part 12) (31 words)

certificate, communicate, congratulate, delegate, deliberate, dedicate, deviate, duplicate, elaborate, elevate, eliminate, emigrate, exaggerate, extirpate, facilitate, fascinate, fortunate, hyphenate, illustrate, immediate, inaccurate, inappropriate, inflate, insinuate, insulate, lacerate, miscalculate, mutilate, narrate, obstinate, ornate

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(part 13) (31 words)

participate, penetrate, perforate, propagate, saturate, tabulate, unfortunate, accelerate, appropriate, celebrate, considerate, cooperate, cultivate, delicate, evaluate, graduate, hesitate, indicate, investigate, irrigate, moderate, pirate, pollinate, private, roommate, senate, tolerate, separate, estimate, chocolate, calculate

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(part 14) (30 words)

climate, concentrate, confederate, contemplate, corporate, create, debate, decorate, desperate, educate, estate, fate, irate, migrate, navigate, operate, redecorate, reiterate, rotate, subordinate, locate, relate, schoolmate, skate, date, equate, hate, late, mate, playmate

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(part 15) (5 words)

populate, rate, state, gate, plate

(default) 50 queries took 14 ms
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