Learn That Word
Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord

  • all about
    All about YOU

    We create every session just for you.
    Nothing is out-of-the-box!

    Advance on your word journey in fast, easy steps. Focus on learning what’s important to you; we’ll manage your progress behind the scenes.

    LearnThatWord is a complete solution. We’re your virtual mom, catering to your every need and helping you be the best you can be.

  • word

    I'm WordGenie™, your personal coach.
    Your wordly wish is my command!

    Unleash my powers, dear master!
    It’s all laid out for you, for one-click magic!

    Let me guide you on your word journey, so you’ll advance in well-planned, logical steps.

    What gives me such magical powers?

    Learning from over
    30 vocabulary experts.

    Deep analysis of millions of texts.

    Years and years of obsessing
    about words.

    Sleepless sleepless nights
    dancing with databases.

  • multi-

    Explore each word’s context, its nuances and flavors, to get a sense of how to use it.

    Integrated in each quiz is our Open Dictionary of English, ODE.
    It’s the richest and most interesting learners’ dictionary available. Explore words through:

    Pronunciations from around the world
    100s of usage examples
    Idioms and limericks
    Interactive thesaurus
    Definitions from multiple sources
    Translations in 37 languages
    Synonyms, antonyms
    Words that rhyme
    Origin and root word information
    Verb conjugations
    Tutoring comments and trivia

  • smart
    SMART progress

    You want results, not busy work!

    At LearnThatWord, every session is targeted, interesting, and made just for you.

    We check off words you know, so you focus your energy on those that need more practice.

    Your individualized learning plan presents the right words for review at the right time.

    Get lasting results 10x faster than with any other vocabulary study tool.

  • fast
    Fast & Fun

    Sessions are lightning-fast and hassle-free.

    We don’t depend on gimmicks or “effects” to make sessions fun.

    Our members love them for their smart design and effectiveness.

    You’ll appreciate the fast progress you make even more than the rewards and prizes you earn.

    Boost your skills in privacy, at your own speed, without grades, pressure, or embarrassment.

  • lasting
    Lasting RESULTS

    A word turns into vocabulary as you learn it “by heart.” It’s that moment when you no longer have to think about it before you use it.

    Once you reach this level of “automaticity,” the word is yours forever. You will never forget it.

    LearnThatWord is the only fully managed solution that builds this automaticity.

    You’ll meet each word repeatedly over time and explore its nuances and “flavors.” Our multimedia resources bring words to life.

    Proven study methods, accelerated by adaptive and individualized coaching, make words “stick.” New words turn into vocabulary that moves you forward.

    We are so confident in the results, we guarantee them!

  • non

    Our goal is to empower you by giving you the vocabulary you need to succeed with confidence.

    We provide unlimited free tutoring to students worldwide.

    Upgrade anytime to enjoy premium features. Premium members support our global literacy campaign, Vocabulary Junction, and the expansion of our collaborative learners’ dictionary.


by Transposh - translation plugin for wordpress

Vocabulary solution for your school

Create a free administrator or teacher account.

Activate your free accounts via one click through the Google Apps for Education platform (need to log in with your administrator account). Don't have Google Apps accounts? They are available for free to schools, colleges, and nonprofits.

LearnThatWord benefits:

Free teacher and student accounts

Free unlimited tutoring

100% personalized vocabulary practice

All ages and skill levels

Multi-media - multiple audio, video, images

Lots of usage examples and background info

Send word lists to students

Find ready-made word lists in our archive

Pre-defined study modules (grade specific, SAT prep, etc.) 

Preserve precious instructional time

Instant feedback boosts learning

Test-study maximizes results

Unlimited customer service

Upgrade to premium!

Affordable licenses or our 100% guaranteed Pay-Per-Result option
empower your students with premium features:

Detailed performance reporting

Spelling mode

Rewards & prizes

Faster sessions

 Full list of premium features.

Free vocabulary and spelling tutoring for elementary students

Click here to view organization pricing    
Funding Sources

Standards Alignment 
Program Reviews
Additional Resources

Funding Sources

Basic LearnThatWord tutoring is free. Premium tutoring qualifies for funding from sources.

Title I Programs ›

Students from low-income backgrounds often enter school with a vocabulary less than one-third the size of their more privileged peers!

LearnThatWord provides targeted and differentiated remediation to close that gap. Your Title I second and third graders may also qualify for premium licenses through LearnThatWord's Vocabulary Junction campaign.

Title III (ELL) Programs ›

ELL students need to build their vocabulary quickly to be able to communicate. Vocabulary and verbal confidence are the building blocks of ELL success.

Afterschool/21st Century Community Learning Center Grants ›

LearnThatWord offers a unique mix of self-directed learning and rewards both team-based and individual effort. This make it an ideal enrichment for any afterschool program.

Students can use LearnThatWord to study words that teachers introduce during class or to expand their vocabulary at their own pace. This connects the students’ after school activities with their regular school day in a meaningful and effective way.

Accomplishments are clearly documented in the performance reports.

IDEA and Special Education Programs ›

LearnThatWord supports educators working with special needs children by providing engaging, effective, and individualized instruction and practice.

Personalized progression ensures that every student gets exactly the amount of practice they need to successfully commit words to long-term memory.

Title II-D Enhancing Education Through Technology ›

LearnThatWord is an award-winning software, designed to enhance education. Response to Intervention (RTI) data is easily available to teachers throughout the year and documented in detailed reports.

RTI is not an add-on feature at LearnThatWord: It's at the heart of what we do. The program provides individualized remediation for maximized learning results.

Schools have also successfully applied funds from
Title II-A (Teacher Quality/Professional Development),
Title IV (21 Century Schools) and
Title V (Promoting Informed Parental Choice and Innovative Programs).


Standards alignment

View how LearnThatWord aligns with common core standards.

Our alignment with Texas standards.

Program Reviews

Please note that these reviews were done in the early years of LearnThatWord. At this time, the program's name was "eSpindle," and a lot of the current features were still under development.

California Learning Resource Network (CLRN) ›

CLRN is a program by the CA Department of Education and referenced nationwide by schools looking for appropriate and standards based online instruction.

CLRN provides educators with a "one-stop" resource to help select supplemental electronic learning resources aligned to the State Board of Education's academic content standards.

California educators with specific content experience are nominated as reviewers once they have completed a rigorous training program.

The review process utilizes the State Board of Education approved review criteria which covers three areas:

Legal compliance,
standards alignment, and
minimum requirements.

Please click here to view their assessment, including a listing of content standards that apply to LearnThatWord study.

North Carolina Dep. of Public Instruction,
Instructional Technology Division

Click to read the full assessment

Department of Education's
Educational Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) ›

Our listing in EROD.

Additional Resources

For insights into the research fueling our concept, please check out our blog or refer to our White Paper—Research Based Tutoring of English Spelling.

You can also review some letters of support by various schools and organizations:

Twin Hills Unified School District
West Contra Costa County Unified School District
Washington Manor Middle School
Good Will Industries
After School All Stars

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