Words are alive, and so is our English dictionary. Just like the English language, our Open Dictionary of English (ODE) will never be finished. It will continue to grow and evolve forever.
This new English dictionary combines resources from LearnThat Foundation with the best of the Web. Members can add new content, edit, and vote content up and down.
A team of human editors reviews content to give visitors of all ages and backgrounds a safe and fun platform.
Pronunciations from around the world
Interactive thesaurus
Hundreds of usage examples for each word
Idioms and limericks
Definitions from multiple sources
Translations in 37 languages
Synonyms, antonyms
Words that rhyme
Origin and root word information
Verb conjugations
Tutoring comments and trivia
Integrated LearnThatWord tutoring
English is a global language. Our goal is to create a lively, hands-on, multi-media English dictionary. One that helps you learn new words. More than any other dictionary, ODE helps you understand how words are used, along with international nuances in pronunciation and usage.
We are always welcoming two types of editors into our team:
Dictionary editors -- Ideally you have a high level of English language knowledge. Most of our editors are writers, English teachers, linguists, proof readers, etc.
Image editors -- Help us find clear and descriptive images for the Open Dictionary of English. Image editors first search the web for open source artwork. If nothing suitable is found, they take and upload their own images.
If you're interested, please email us!
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