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Wordlist for SPEC/T, SPIC root words

List #: 13086

Keywords/tags: roots,root words,SPEC/T, SPIC root

Created: 12/01/2012

Modified: 12/01/2012

List of Words:

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Unit 1 (20 words)

circumspect, circumspection, inspect, inspection, inspector, perspective, perspicacious, prospect, prospective, prospector, retrospect, retrospection, retrospective, spectacle, spectacular, spectator, unspectacular, spectacled, spectate, perspectival

(default) 5 queries took 4 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `WordList`.`id`, `WordList`.`user_id`, `WordList`.`is_public`, `WordList`.`title`, `WordList`.`keywords`, `WordList`.`comments`, `WordList`.`content_link`, `WordList`.`buy_link`, `WordList`.`created`, `WordList`.`modified`, `WordList`.`is_changed_by_admin`, `WordList`.`is_premium`, (SELECT count(*) as count FROM word_list_ratings AS Rate WHERE `Rate`.`word_list_id` = `WordList`.`id` ) AS `WordList__reviews`, (SELECT round(sum(rating)/count(*), 1) FROM word_list_ratings AS Rate WHERE `Rate`.`word_list_id` = `WordList`.`id` ) AS `WordList__rating` FROM `word_lists` AS `WordList` WHERE `WordList`.`id` = 13086 LIMIT 1110
2SELECT `Chapter`.`id`, `Chapter`.`word_list_id`, `Chapter`.`unit`, (SELECT count(*) as count FROM words AS Word JOIN words_chapters AS WordsChapter ON (`WordsChapter`.`word_id` = `Word`.`id`) WHERE `WordsChapter`.`chapter_id` = `Chapter`.`id` ) AS `Chapter__words_count`, ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(' ', word) FROM words_chapters AS WordsChapters JOIN words AS WORD ON `WordsChapters`.`word_id`=`WORD`.`id` WHERE `WordsChapters`.`chapter_id`=`Chapter`.`id` ) AS `Chapter__words` FROM `chapters` AS `Chapter` WHERE (SELECT count(*) as count FROM words AS Word JOIN words_chapters AS WordsChapter ON (`WordsChapter`.`word_id` = `Word`.`id`) WHERE `WordsChapter`.`chapter_id` = `Chapter`.`id` LIMIT 1)>0 AND `Chapter`.`word_list_id` = (13086) 114
3SELECT `Bookmark`.`id`, `Bookmark`.`word_list_id`, `Bookmark`.`user_id`, `Bookmark`.`class_id` FROM `word_list_bookmarks` AS `Bookmark` WHERE `Bookmark`.`user_id` IS NULL AND `Bookmark`.`class_id` IS NULL AND `Bookmark`.`word_list_id` = (13086) 000
4SELECT `Rate`.`id`, `Rate`.`word_list_id`, `Rate`.`user_id`, `Rate`.`rating` FROM `word_list_ratings` AS `Rate` WHERE `Rate`.`user_id` IS NULL AND `Rate`.`word_list_id` = (13086) 000
5SELECT `Setting`.`id`, `Setting`.`key`, `Setting`.`value`, `Setting`.`options`, `Setting`.`is_custom`, `Setting`.`is_editable` FROM `settings` AS `Setting` WHERE `key` = 'word_lists_banner' LIMIT 1110